Drivit's B-DaaS

With every passing day, powerful analytical technologies demand are substantially increasing for future business growth. With Drivit’s Big Data Analytics solution, you can empower your business for a significant change.

Drivit is built with the following capabilities;

  • Having the right data
  • Optimizing performance
  • Displaying updated ROI
  • Generates analytics for round-the-clock maintenance
  • Faster and better decision making
  • Embark provisioning and de-provisioning of resources and entities
  • No matter how many people participate in the development, they will not cope with the constant flow of information. In order to further develop a fully sustainable and smart solution, consider these 8 Vs that makes Drivit’s Big Data Analytics efficient.
  • Volume– find the data you are looking for
  • Value– finding the data you need
  • Veracity– information or disinformation?
  • Visualization– glance at decision that can be made
  • Variety– how wide it can be expressed?
  • Velocity– outlook of momentum, crises and opportunities gained by data
  • Viscosity– actions based on data
  • Virality– providing contextual information out of data


  • We have empowered big data analytics strategies by studying the data and producing high-quality products.

  • Our extensive research and development along with hands on experience on the latest innovations grants you a solution that is perfectly fit for your use case.

Big Data is a game-changer. Many organizations are using more analytics to drive strategic actions and offer a better customer experience. A slight change in the efficiency or smallest savings can lead to a huge profit, which is why most organizations are moving towards big data. Big data analytics works with a large amount of both structured and unstructured data, extracting relevant real-time data to understand customer purchasing patterns, flaws, essential challenges and solutions, and industry trends.

Our B-DaaS solutions offer

  • Effective Reporting
  • Identity Management
  • Scalability
  • Business Satisfaction
  • High–volume raw data processing
Companies can exploit Drivit’s big data analytics in order to adapt to the current situation for executing successful business strategies.


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