Drivit’s Release Management Services coordinate the process of managing, planning, scheduling, and controlling an entire software build through every stage and environment involved, including testing and deployment. We ensure that release teams deliver the applications and upgrades required by the business while maintaining the integrity of the existing development environment.
Our experts examine your current release management, increase release velocity and reduce risk of failure
- Big bang versus phased: In the phased approach, we undertaken implementation step-by-step, region by region. While in a Big Bang approach, all relevant users, locations and service takers receive our designed service at the same time.
- Push versus pull: Based on your organizational requirements, Drivit takes control of the process of deploying a services using the push model freeing your teams from the headache of when and where services will be deployed.
- Automatic versus manual: Drivit’s implementation can be automatic or manual. With automated implementation, no bandwidth is required from user side, however can be adjusted and made available at the user’s request.

Drivit prevents release management bottlenecks by coordinating the timing and effort of all the teams involved

- Request: We identify and recognize the need for new features or changes. Change requests are evaluated based on need, feasibility, cost, and other criteria.
- Plan: Our experts define the releases and structure. A robust plan ensures that the release team stays on track and that requirements are satisfied.
- Design and Build: Once the release plan is finalized, all of your requirements and issues are addressed and tested, we design and build the product of quality.
- Testing: Prepared release is readied for testing in a test environment. Bugs found are sent back to the developers who fix them and send the release for testing again to ensure state of the art upgrades.
- Development: Features are built, systems are configured or infrastructure changes are completed to meet the goals established during the planning phase.
Drivit’s crisp release management strategy ensures value on time, cost and delivery
- All segments and regions in one place with all impacted parties apprised of the change management plan.
- Organize company’s operational calendar keeping a track of new changes.
- Dissemination of technical aspects and integration properties of deployed solution.
- Keep a bird’s view eye of organizational management and resources allocation.
- Planning ahead for robust upcoming release management strategies.